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Terminator Wiki

Captain B. Wisher[1] was the leader of the Time Displacement Commandos.


Before the war, Captain Wisher was a chess tournament director. His men said that this made Wisher the right choice to run the TDC, as he always thought thirteen moves ahead and anticipated both what his enemies will do and what the effect on the timeline would be.[2] Wisher became the leader of the TDC at some point after their creation in 2033.[2] He always had his loyal pitbull ‘Nator Sniffer at his side.[3]


"At ease, soldiers. I’m Captain Wisher, Tech-Com, TDC section. You’ve never heard of the TDC, because it doesn’t exist yet." The Terminator RPG Campaign Book

“Don’t listen to him. [Time travel is] like having your nuts kicked up into your chest cavity. Afterwards you’ll be seeing ghosts for a good half hour—echoes of impossible shit you only think you saw during your jump. All that shit I saw was impossible, right?” The Terminator RPG


  • Wisher is probably named after screenwriter William Wisher, Jr.
  • A quote shows him talking to another TDC called R. Frakes.
  • Andy Goode from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is also a chess player gone Resistance leader, and his alias during the future war is Billy Wisher. There's no official confirmation that they were or weren't intended to be the same character in different timelines.


