Transformers vs. The Terminator is a 4-part comic book series crossing over Transformers and Terminator. The series is published by IDW Publishing in March, 2020 and created by the writer John Barber, editor David Mariotte, and artist Alex Milne.
During 2029 in an alternate timeline, the Resistance formed by Skynet was losing the war against Decepticons. In order to turn the tide, a T-800 Infiltrator was sent back to 1984 in order to destroy the Cybertronians before they could win the Future War.
- Enemy of my Enemy issue 1
- Enemy of my Enemy issue 2
- Enemy of my Enemy issue 3
- Enemy of my Enemy issue 4
Continuity notes[]
- The series is a reboot as a whole new timeline that sets a stand-alone continuity from other Terminator fictions. In this timeline, Skynet is the Resistance and the T-800 from The Terminator is the protagonist of the series with Sarah Connor as its helper.
- Unlike previous crossover titles collaborating with Terminator, Transformers vs. The Terminator features Skynet and Terminator as protagonists instead of villains, albeit more anti-hero here.