Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Cybernetic Dawn is a four-part comic series, also known as Present War. This comic is the first part of two series; the other title in the series is Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Nuclear Twilight, also known as Future War. These two series are tied up in a fifth issue (Issue #0) which contains two stories that conclude each of the series. The comic was published by Malibu Comics during 1995 to 1996.
- Main article: Cybernetic Dawn timeline
Sarah and John Connor have to fight against three new Terminators, who are sent back to preserve the creation of Skynet.
Creative team[]
- Written by Dan Abnett
- Illustrated by Rod Whigham (pencils) and Jack Snider (inks)
- Lettered by Dave Lanphear
- Colored by Moose Baumann
- Edited by Dan Shaheen
Collected edition[]
- Terminator 2: Judgment Day: The Graphic Novel
- Present - Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Cybernetic Dawn
- Future - Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Nuclear Twilight
Continuity notes[]
- The story takes place in the present right after the events in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
- This comic fills some of the gaps in Terminator 2: Judgment Day, between year 1997 and 2029.
- The fifth issue is ordered #0 in the series and sometimes called Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Nuclear Twilight & Cybernetic Dawn because it contain two stories with a conclusion to each series. Those two conclusion are supposed to be read after the two series, even that it says Issue #0.
- Q: If Skynet's mission was to preserve Skynet's creation in 1997, and had the T-1000/Karyn Stern looking for an intact T-800, why did they not use one of the two T-800 they sent back this time?
- A: Partly answered. The mission of the three was to preserve Skynet's creation, however, they also have a mission to kill John Connor which has a higher priority than the first one. Instead of preserving Skynet, the two T-800 went looking for John Connor.