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The term "T-XA" should not be confused with T-X.

The T-XA, standing for Terminator - eXperimental Autonomous, is a Terminator series produced by Skynet in Jade's World timeline. The T-XA is a further refinement of the T-1000 Terminator concept as it is entirely composed of mimetic polyalloy just like the T-1000, though it boasted considerably enhanced capacities. In its default form, it is an eight feet tall, giant humanoid male, however, while infiltrating, it is able to split this mass into several units for the purposes of camouflage.


Like the T-1000, the T-XA is composed of Mimetic polyalloy and possesses levels of strength and durability unseen in previous models. A T-XA is far stronger and faster than older models like T-799 and T-800, being even able to rip of the head of such cyborgs with ease. The T-XA has such levels of durability that it is considered almost invincible, no conventional weapon or explosive can damage it for more than a second or two and even a barrage of fire from a plasma weapon can only paralyze it for a few seconds, a T-XA was even reported surviving continous fire from multiple plasma weapons including a heavy plasma turret of a troop transport for more than 10 minutes before being destroyed. The T-XA is able to split itself and, unlike its predecessor, function in many communicating parts. As such, it is able to impersonate groups of humans, such as families, and dogs (an effective camouflage). To search large areas in twentieth century urban environments, it is able to split itself into a large number of cats. The first T-XA brought a large plasma-gun into the past, concealed within its body. Like the T-1000 the T-XA can reshape its body to create various blunt weapons and blades, making it a lethal enemy if engaged in hand to hand combat, it has also been observed to use a kind of cat-man shape to obtain incredible levels of speed combined with razor-sharp claws.

In Dark Futures, it usually takes two major forms. The first form is a shaven-headed giant human male, over eight feet tall, with hands the size of shovels. The second form consists of three components: a big Hispanic man with shoulder-length hair, a young Hispanic woman with very long hair, and a fierce-looking dog whose teeth can elongate into throat-tearing daggers. Besides, each component can physically contact with one another to transmit intelligence by letting liquid metal run.

Perhaps the most frightening ability of the T-XA is its ability to implant elements of itself within humans and broke down into thousands of minimally programmed nanoware fragments, performing alterations to the host's brain to ensure loyalty to its own goals. These fragments swarmed through the human's nervous system according to a preprogrammed routine, eating, digesting, and analyzing nerve fiber, building up sufficient data records to reintegrate into a highly simplified version of the unit's personality and memories.[1] People under its control may possesses the ability to brainwash others.

Combat tactics[]

T-XA, like T-1000, can form stabbing weapons from its limbs. However, because of its splitting ability, T-XA always split into at least two components during battles. After battles, T-XA usually absorbs memories from dead bodies to gain information. In order to search for information, T-XA prefer terminate any witness to Conners and time travelers, which makes it even more fatal than any other terminator before.

For some important individuals, T-XA usually brainwash them to "persuade" them, making them believe Skynet is the future of human beings.

Known units[]


  • The T-1001 from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Rev-9 from Terminator: Dark Fate possesses a similar ability to the T-XA by splitting their mass into at least one independent unit.
  • The ability of the T-XA to affect a human should not be confused with the nanotechnological transjectors used by the T-X, which were observed to have a similar effect only on machines.
  • Though their names have much similarities, T-XA has nothing to do with T-X. However, there's still some common concepts:
    • They are both advanced mimetic polyalloy terminators developed from T-1000.
    • Both of them are experimental models that only appeared in very few series.
    • They both have ability to reprogram other units (humans or machines), and both features nanotechnology.
    • Both of them showed a finer control of mimetic polyalloy than T-1000s, which allows them to mimic more detailed features.
    • Both of them have a mission to preserve the creation of Skynet.


<< T-1000 Terminator >>
T1 - K-9000 - Kite - Squid - 1000 - 1001 - 1002 - Meg - XA - "Karyn Stern" - "Liz Anderson"
Terminator Series
Standard 000 - 1 (1-5 - 1-7) - 4 - 7 - H (U-5000) - 20 - 47 - 70 - 72 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 600 (650 - 660) - 700 (720 - 750 - 770 - 790 - 799) - 800 (8xx) - 900 (950) - X -
1000 (1001 - 1002 - XA - Meg) - Infinity - 2018 - 3000 - 4800 - 5000 - 8000
See also Mimetic polyalloy - Impersonation - Infiltrator
Original timeline - Genisys timeline (Genisys) - Skynet 2.0
Embodiment Meta-Node (T-800) - Sky-1 - Skynet (T-XA) - Alex (T-5000)
Facilities Skynet Central Core - Skynet Hub - Skynet Central Command - Skynet Satellite
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