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Terminator Wiki

Diego Ramos was Dani Ramos's younger brother.


Diego lived in Mexico City with his father Vicente Ramos and his elder sister Dani Ramos. In 2020, he was learning English and working in a car factory with his sister. One day, he and Dani went to work to find out that his job had been replaced with a robot. While Dani went to argue with their boss Craig, Diego encountered the Rev-9, disguised as Vicente, looking for Dani. When the Rev-9 attempted to shoot Dani, Grace Harper rescued her before grabbing the siblings and running away. As the Rev-9 caught up to them and fought Grace on the assembly line, Diego dropped an engine block on the machine, temporarily incapacitating it. Diego, Dani, and Grace fled from the factory in a truck, and Diego took the wheel from Grace when she jumped to the back of the truck to throw rebars at the Rev-9 chasing them. Diego was impaled by a rebar thrown back at them by the Rev-9 during the chase. After the truck crashed, Dani asked Grace to take him out but Grace refused because he would have bled out. Diego asked Grace to take Dani and save her before he was killed by the Rev-9 driving an SUV into the crashed truck. Terminator: Dark Fate

Physical description[]

Diego was a Latino man with short brown hair and brown eyes.


On set and behind the scenes[]

